October 2011 Southern California Strings Seminar
Friday, October 21, 2011
UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy
Physics & Astronomy Building (PAB), 4th Floor, Room 4-330
- 9:30-11:00: Tadashi Takayanagi (IPMU, Tokyo): Holographic Entanglement Entropy and AdS/BCFT
- 11:15-12:45: Nabil Iqbal (KITP, Santa Barbara): Luttinger's theorem, superfluid vortices, and holography
- 12:45-2:15: Lunch
- 2:15-3:45: Alejandra Castro (McGill): A de Sitter Farey tail
- 4:00-5:30: Eric D'Hoker (UCLA): Magnetic Branes and Quantum Criticality