2018 Southern California Strings Seminar
Friday, October 5 2018, 9:00AM – 5:30PM
Hosted by the Mani L. Bhaumik Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy
Physics & Astronomy Building (PAB) 4th Floor, Room 4-330
For more information please contact Per Kraus or Michael Gutperle.
- 8:30a-9:00a Coffee and Refreshments
- 9:00a-10:30a David Kutasov, "Solvable irrelevant deformations of CFT_2 and AdS_3"
- 10:30a-10:50a Coffee and Refreshments
- 10:50a-12:20p Kristan Jensen, "A theory of reparameterizations for AdS3 gravity"
- 12:20p - 1:45p Lunch
- 1:45p-2:00p Coffee and Refreshments
- 2:00p-3:30p Aitor Lewkowycz, "The dual of the symplectic form, maximal volumes and complexity."
- 3:30p - 3:50p Coffee and Refreshments
- 3:50p-5:20p Mark Mezei, "Towards the hydrodynamic theory of entanglement"
- 6:00p Dinner